Event Details

SIOG 2016 Annual Conference

17.November.2016 - 16:39 – 19.November.2016 - 16:39

Further info on this webpage: http://siog.org/content/siog-2016-annual-conference-0

The mission of the SIOG meeting is to bring together international experts in geriatric oncology to present the latest evidence based research in the care of older adults with cancer. Every year, the members of various SIOG Committees work hard to provide an outstanding and attractive programme to enhance and expand the scientific and educational sessions for a large number of international experts in geriatric oncology.

The worldwide population is aging, and cancer is a disease of aging. Thus, there is an anticipated rise in the number of older adults with cancer. In order to provide high-quality, evidence-based care for this growing group of individuals, it is essential to meld the principles of Geriatrics and Oncology. The theme of the programme for the SIOG 2016 Annual Conference is "Geriatric oncology: a multidisciplinary approach in a global environment" and it will include multidisciplinary sessions on solid tumours, haematological malignancies, new therapies, geriatric assessment and supportive care needs.

Abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed for scientific content, logical presentation, and current interest of the topic to the scientific community. Submit your abstract before June 14, 2016.

Online registration is open. Register now and save on your registration fee!
