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Abstract submission
Download here the European Geriatric Medicine Abstract Book of the 13th EUGMS Congress.
The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of late breaking abstracts in case of research or trials with up-to-date results.
Abstracts should be submitted in English and sent by August 15, 2017.
To submit a late breaking abstract please contact eugms(at)aristea.com.
The A0 posters can be printed locally and picked up at the following address:
Fac Imprimeur
17, avenue des Diablés Bleus - 06300 NICE
Tél. +33 4 93552020 - devis@facimprimeur.fr
The price is 30 €, VAT included.
Every request must be sent to Marc Lanes at: marc(at)facimprimeur.fr, while posters payment can be done directly at Fac Imprimeur shop.
Please note that this is an indipendent supplier. The Organizing Secretariat Aristea is not in contact with Fac Imprimeur.
The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts of original contributions to the Congress.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be selected for either oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted in English.
Please note that abstracts must be submitted through the official online abstract submission system.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be selected for either oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted in English and sent by April 15 May 15, 2017
Please note that abstracts must be submitted through the official online abstract submission system.
Due to the high amount of Abstracts received, we remind you that any Abstract can be modified by clicking on the link found in the confirmation email.
To help submitter with this task it has been decided to give the possibility to submit new Abstracts until May 18, 2017.
No faxed or e-mailed abstract will be accepted.
Detailed information, guidelines and recommendations for oral or poster presentation, as well as time allotment, date, hour and venue will be sent by e-mail to the registered presenting Author.
At least one Author of accepted abstracts are required to register and pay the registration fee to ensure the rights for the presentation.
EUGMS is unable to support any participation cost related to submitted abstract, including but not limited to registration, travel and accommodation.
One of the EUGMS' aims is to encourage and help young practitioners to further their knowledge and the society bestows four Best Abstracts Awards:
two for the best Oral Presentation and two for the best Poster Presentations.
Each winner of the award will receive a prize of 500 Euro.
This will also be the occasion to present the EUGMS – Ontex Healthcare award to the best professional communication on Urology and continence management. The jury will consist of the President of the EUGMS, an Academic Director and the Coordinator of the Continence management group. The winner of the award will receive a prize of 1,500 Euro.
Authors may submit abstracts related to the following topics:
- Acute care
- Biogerontology and genetics
- Cognition and dementia
- Comorbidity and multimorbidity
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment
- Delirium
- Ethics and end of life care
- Frailty and sarcopenia
- Geriatric education
- Geriatric rehabilitation
- Geriatrics in organ disease
- Infectious diseases and vaccines
- Longevity and prevention
- Metabolism and nutrition
- Oral and dental health
- Organisation of care and gerotechnology
- Pharmacology
- Pre and post operative care
- Psychiatric symptoms and illnesses
- Urology and continence management
Authors may choose from one to three keywords:
- Lifestyle intervention (diet, physical activity...)
- Public health intervention
- Health promotion
- Methodological issue
- Personalized medicine
- Prevention and health system
- Prevention and communities and enrironments
- Prevention in vulnerable population (oldest old, minorities, women...)
- Primary care
- Big data, e-health and technologies
The title of the abstract should be printed in initial capital letters followed by lower case.
The name(s) of the Author(s) should be preceded by the initials (please omit titles).
Organization should be abbreviated, with capitalization as in title.
Each contributor has to put each surname first, without abbreviating this to an initial. Also, do not put full capitals to highlight what is the surname, but just use an initial capital.
The submitting author is responsible also for the correct use of initials and surnames of their co-authors
Affiliations: all authors should have an affiliation, at least with a basic entry including the country.
The structure of the abstracts should include an introduction, methods, results and key conclusions.
Abbreviations should be defined by being placed in parentheses immediately after the full word or phrase has been typed for the first time.
No graphs, figures, tables or unusual symbols can be included.
Place citations to references in square brackets, eg [1].
If there are references after the abstract, there should also be citations to the refs in the abstract, and vice versa.
Decimal punctuation is with a decimal point (in English), not with comma.
Generic (nonproprietary) names should be used for drugs and substances.
The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
If you have any questions, please contact the Organizing Secretariat at eugms(at)aristea.com.