ECGI - Early Career Geriatricians Initiative

Dear Early-Career Friends and Colleagues,

During the autumn 2019 the EuGMS Executive Board decided to launch a new initiative to help early-career geriatricians play a greater part in the life of the EuGMS. It is essential for a Society to have both early career and experienced members collaborate to develop new initiatives and ideas and widen the skills and networks to ensure the continued success of the EuGMS.

To establish this, the Executive Board decided to create a structure with the continuity needed to support this group – firstly with Prof. Anne Ekdahl, and subsequently the current General Secretary Karolina Piotrowicz, with strong backing from the administrative secretary Benedetta Bellotti, Sabrina Silvani and our Communication & Website Director Sofia Duque. 

This year, after considered discussions, we would like to take the opportunity to publish the modified EuGMS Special Interest Groups General Rules that also apply to the Early-Career Geriatrician Initiative

ECGI membership definition: taking into account the characteristics of the group, as defined at a particular stage of professional development, the duration of membership is set at a maximum of five years. In addition, the eligibility criteria for ECGI membership extend to a maximum of five years after obtaining the qualification of geriatrician; in countries where geriatrics is not a specialty, a resident in internal medicine or family medicine could be considered an ECGI if this is the purpose of the training and is consistent with his or her professional goals.


Our aims are to

  • Help and support networking amongst early-career geriatricians and create suitable opportunities for early-career congress-participants from across Europe to meet and get to know each other
  • Ensure that the Boards of EuGMS hear the voice, concerns, and aspirations of early-career colleagues
  • Encourage more early-career attendees to the congresses
  • Support the EuGMS Social Media Group

In addition, with support from the EuGMS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) we hope to

  • Increase research activities involving early-career geriatricians
  • Attract more early-career geriatricians to join the EuGMS SIGs
  • Initiate a channel for senior support to early-career researchers

News to be announced: a call for the ECGI Chairs has been launched and now voting is closed! Stay tuned and wait for the announcement of the results! 

Our current ongoing activities include: 

WG on ECGI Blog: this Working Group writes and reviews short texts for the blog and keeps an eye on news about geriatrics in the world
Chairs: Kseniia Eruslanova & Luba Matchekhina


WG Rotation Program: the program aims to provide a framework for Early-Career Geriatricians to have hands-on interactions and share experiences, skills, and knowledge about geriatric medicine practices across the Europe.

This professional mobility will help participants to widen their personal horizons and establish collaborations that will improve networking in the field of geriatric medicine. The program consists of a two-week observership period at a host centre located in one of the EuGMS member countries. The EuGMS will fund travel and accommodation for 3 selected participants, on the basis of a maximum global budget of 10.000,00€ per year.

Chairs: Meltem Koca & Rui Buzaco

Join us and read Rotation Project experiences!

WG of EuGMS Reporters: this WG allows its members to attend other scientific congresses (congresses of societies that the EuGMS has an active Memorandum of Understanding with) to report about interesting topics from these congresses, possible connections with younger colleagues of these societies and suitable opportunities for younger congress-participants from across Europe to meet and get to know each other.

Chairs: Maria Bonnici & Santiago Cotobal Rodeles


WG for ECGI Papers: A group of Early Career Geriatricians within the Early Career Geriatrician's Initiative Group (ECGI) of the EUGMS is currently conducting a survey to assess the current state of postgraduate training in geriatric medicine and to identify opportunities for enhancement. This initiative aims to gain insights into the experiences and opinions of young geriatricians regarding the quality and relevance of their training.

WG on Videologs (Vlogs): the Group produces video materials concerning EuGMS activities to be shared through EuGMS Social media.
Chairs: Lene Holst Andersen &  Ioannis Georgiopoulos

Stefania Maggi Award: Since 2020, a special classification for abstracts submitted by early-career geriatricians at the EuGMS annual congress has been implemented. It is to create an inclusive and creative atmosphere to support colleagues at the earlier stages of their career and foster geriatric medicine in Europe.

BEST ABSTRACT ECGI Category - Stefania Maggi Award 2023

  • What is the impact of a pre-hospital geriatrician led telephone 'silver triage' for older people living with frailty?
    Howell Jones (United Kingdom), Wakana Teranaka (2), Lyann Gross (3), Patrick Hunter (4), Simon Conroy (1)
  • Visit-to-visit Blood Pressure Variability and Intrinsic Capacity in older adults
    Leonardo Bencivenga (Italy),Mathilde Strumia (1), Yves Rolland (1), Philippe Cestac (1), Sophie Guyonnet (1), Sandrine Andrieu (1), Philipe De Souto Barreto (1), Laure Rouch (1)
  • Delirium: Comparative analysis of detection and therapeutic management in geriatric patients between Spain and the United Kingdom.
    Gemma Cuesta Castellón (SPAIN), Saleta Goñi1 (1), Lucía Gómez1 (1), Sagrario Pérez1 (1), Luisa María Sánchez1 (1), Clara Hernando1 (1), Aris Somoano1 (1), María Madruga1 (1), Blanca Garmendia1 (1), Yanira Aranda1 (1), Rocío Gómez del Río (1), Antonio Medina1 (1), Irene Manzanas1 (1), Carmen Ros1 (1), David Oliver1 (1), María Belén Sánchez1 (1), Eva María Fernández de la Puente1 (1), Javier Gómez Pavón (1)

We hope that this initiative will create an inclusive and creative atmosphere for the Society and that this will support the development of new generations of leaders to grow geriatric medicine, both clinically and academically!

Follow the EUGMS Congress 2024 scientific program and join us in Valencia!

September, 2024

Karolina Piotrowicz

General Secretary of the EuGMS

Coordinator of the Early Careers Geriatricians Initiative Group