Guidelines for Endorsement / Patronage by EUGMS

Requirements for Endorsement for national events:

  1. Submit a well-developed draft/final program with topics and lecturers for review and approval at least 6 months before the event
  2. The program should have the recommendation of the EuGMS General Assembly member organization for that country (EuGMS secretariat will ask for it)
  3. The organization of industry-sponsored CME events should be under the scientific control of an independent committee
  4. The organizers should write a clear statement as to why they feel their event merits EuGMS endorsement.
  5. There will be no financial contribution from EuGMS.
  6. The EuGMS endorsement will be announced in all communications by the event and on the event website, including a link to the EuGMS website. The following phrase will be used: "Based on the scientific quality, educational merits, and ethical standards of the present event, EuGMS has granted endorsement over "title of event".
  7. The abstract submission deadline must not be expired at time of request


Requirements for Endorsement for international events:

  1. Submit a well-developed draft/final program with topics and lecturers for review and approval at least 6 months before the event
  2. the event has an internationally recognized scientific advisory board or organization committee
  3. at least 50% of the invited speakers are from outside the host country
  4. the official event language is English (no other languages are permitted in any of the official scientific or technical presentations)
  5. The organization of industry-sponsored CME events should be under the scientific control of an independent committee
  6. The organizers should write a clear statement as to why they feel their event merits EuGMS endorsement.
  7. There will be no financial contribution from EuGMS.
  8. The EuGMS endorsement will be announced in all communications by the event and on the event website, including a link to the EuGMS website. The following phrase will be used: "Based on the scientific quality, educational merits, ethical standards and international dimension of the present event, EuGMS has granted endorsement over "title of event".
  9. The event must be organized consistent with the requirements of the UEMS accreditation process
  10. The abstract submission deadline must not be expired at time of request