Event Details

EMA - Call for expression of interest for representatives in EMA's COVID-19 taskforce

09.July.2020 - 15:00 – 25.July.2020 - 00:00

EMA has established a taskforce on COVID-19 (ETF) to ensure that all COVID 19-related challenges are handled in the most efficient manner possible.  The key aim of the taskforce is to support the Agency’s business continuity following the outbreak of COVID-19.

Since its inception the ETF has taken a leading role in providing advice to companies developing medicines and vaccines for COVID-19, evaluating data on medicines used for COVID-19 and supporting EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) in its evaluations. The EFT has also carried assessment underpinning EMA advice to the public.

It is clear that in this crisis context, engagement with patients and healthcare professionals is more important than ever, and for this reason EMA would like to appoint one patient/consumer representative and one healthcare professional representative to actively participate in ETF meetings.  The representatives would provide input and bring views from the communities they represent on specific aspects of ETF work during the pandemic while also helping to disseminate vital public health messages to increase transparency, awareness and understanding of COVID-19 regulatory activities.

In terms of expected timing and workload, the task force usually has two 2-hour long meetings per week – one for vaccines and one for therapeutics. However as a starting point, both representatives would only attend selected ETF meetings (or part of a meeting) where it is expected  that their input would be most relevant and valuable.  This format will be monitored and adjusted as needed, based on experience. EMA colleagues will fully support their participation.

One representative and one alternate will be selected according to the following criteria:

·         Be a member of an EMA eligible organisation;

·         Be familiar with drug development, regulatory processes and the legal Community framework affecting medicines;

·         Ideally have knowledge or experience in the area of vaccines, infectious diseases, internal medicine, primary care, respiratory diseases or intensive care.

·         Have the capacity to participate and contribute to ETF activities

·         Have a valid DOI and confidentiality undertaking, assessed to the level of committee member (can be done after appointment)

We welcome expressions of interest, together with a brief motivation outlining relevant experience in relation to COVID-19, by 24 July 2020, by email to the following address: public-engagement(at)ema.europa.eu  
