Event Details

Virtual 25th Nordic Congress of Gerontology

The Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF) has a long tradition of holding biannual multidisciplinary gerontological congresses, the first one in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1973. This year the congress is organized by the Icelandic gerontological society and the Iceladic Geriatric Medicine Society and the theme of the congress is "The age of ageing". We already have a distinguished panel of keynote speakers as detailed on the congress website. The winners of the Sohlberg Nordic prize in gerontology and the NGF prize for promising research in gerontology will also be revealed at the end of the congress and will give lectures introducing us to their research. Apart from that, we have a variety of symposia, oral presentations and posters covering the latest advances in the numerous fields of gerontology. A preliminary program is already on the congress website and a more detailed program will be available in the upcoming few weeks.

This year the congress will be on June 2nd - 4th and will be held entirely online, making it accessible to gerontological enthusiasts globally. We feel that this opens a whole world of possibilities for networking and collaborating across continents.

We would be most grateful if you could forward this information to your network and hope that we will meet digitally in Reykjavik in June 2021!

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Steinunn Thordardottir

President of the 25th NKG in Reykjavik, Iceland
