Interests for research and cooperation

Shape the Future: Calling 2025–2026 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health

Trinity College Dublin Online Frailty Education Programme - Applications now open for 2024-25

Dear all,

We invite you to explore Trinity College Dublin's Online Frailty Education Programme for the academic year 2024-25. This program provides interdisciplinary postgraduate learning opportunities in the dynamic field of ageing and frailty.

Micro-credential in Assessment and Management of Frailty in Ageing Adults (5 ECTS)

Duration: September to January (Semester 1)
Schedule: Ten 2-hour live sessions, Tuesdays 3-5 pm Irish Standard Time

Key Highlights:

Understand what frailty is & isn't
Appreciate its potential reversibility

Learn its multiple identification tools

Apply knowledge to practice

Enroll now:

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (30 ECTS)

Duration: September to June (Semesters 1 and 2)
Schedule: Two hours twice a week, Tuesdays 3-5 pm and Fridays 2-4 pm Irish Standard Time


Assessment and Management of Frailty in Ageing Adults (5 ECTS)
Biology of the Ageing process (10 ECTS)

Frailty in ageing adults: clinical practice (5 ECTS)

Quantitative Analytics for Ageing and Frailty (10 ECTS)

Attracts formal graduation
Explore the program:

For more information or to express your interest, please feel free to contact:

Postdoctoral Researcher in Geriatric Epidemiology - focus on aging and neurodegeneration biomarkers:

Future learn - Educational course - Supporting Medicine Use by Older People with sensory impairment

Trinity College Dublin - September 2022- Applications open for 2 ONLINE courses on Ageing and Frailty

Dear All,

Applications are now open for:

Assessment and management of frailty in ageing adults (STAND ALONE ONLINE) (two hours once a week, semester 1 only)

and Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (ONLINE) (two hours twice a week, both semesters)

Deadline for applications: end of June 2022

Informal enquiries:

Survey on deprescribing of antihypertensives in people with dementia

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Decade of healty ageing

This platform allows for resource search, networking, and also for uploading information of interest for the EuGMS.

Link to platform:

Call to action for geritaricians to engage with drug evaluation for older adults

Despite the fact that older people are major users of medicines and experience the highest rate of adverse drug events, they are still generally excluded from clinical trials evaluating new therapies. This exclusion – which constitutes a clear example of age discrimination in health care - prevents physicians from having the necessary information concerning the efficacy and safety of medicines for their use in older patients and it obliges them to use medicines in patients in whom these medicines have never been tested. This situation has been consistently demonstrated by scientific studies during the last 20 years. Therefore, the EuGMS applauds the current initiative by AGS to address the lack of inclusion of older people in new drug evaluation, which is in concordance with the efforts of our own task force on Pharmaceutical strategy and supports the opportunity for collaboration and joint actions on this topic. It becomes obvious that without a mandatory request to evaluate new medicines in older people and related incentives it is very unlikely that the situation will change.

link call:

Trinity College Dublin - September 2021- Appilications open for postgraduate taught courses in Ageing and Frailty

Dear all

Applications are now open for the new 30 ECTS Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies, starting in September 2021 in Trinity College Dublin, School of Medicine. This Postgraduate Certificate suits all health & social care professionals working with older adults. Face-to-face teaching time is about 2 half days per week over 1 year and online-only attendance is possible (applicants should indicate that preference in the motivation letter). Places are limited to 20.

More info on:

Trinity College Dublin - September 2021 - A standalone 5 ECTS module on Assessment and Management of Frailty in Ageing Adults

Face-to-face teaching time is about 1 half day per week over 15 weeks and online-only attendance is possible.

More information on

EICA e-learning course "Antimicrobial resistance and the role of vaccines"




Check full programme here

NEW Research Master in Gerontological Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

Dear colleague,

Herewith I’m extremely proud to announce our NEW Research Master in Gerontological Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).

Please forward this information within your institution; you can also directly recommend potential candidates for this programme.

The Research Master in Gerontological Sciences a two-year programme of 120 credits and offers a specific training trajectory to those excellent students who want to build up an academic career in the field of Gerontology. The programme also provides an ideal preparation for starting a PhD in the domain of Gerontology.

The Research Master of Gerontological Sciences is aimed at students with an academic Bachelor or Master degree. Prospective students will be selected by the programme director on the basis of a well-justified application and an interview.

The Research Master in Gerontological Sciences is unique in its kind in Belgium and surroundings. It is the only programme that studies the field of gerontology on a broad and multidisciplinary basis. It offers a wide spectrum of scientific aspects that is essential to understand the field of gerontology. The programme investigates the biogerontological and biomedical basis underlying the ageing process. But it also discusses the psychological, social and health policy aspects of older persons, like for example ethical themes and intercultural aspects. Students are stimulated to start from the principle of ‘free inquiry’ in order to reflect critically on current gerontological problems

The courses in the programme can be divided into two themes: gerontology and research methodology. The former focuses on the biological, biomedical, psychological and social aspects of gerontology, making you an expert in the field. The latter offers you skills to do research in the field of gerontology.

For more information please visit read the flyer in attachment and visit our website

Please don’t hesitate to contact the programme director ivan.bautmans(at) for any additional information.

Kind regards,

Head Gerontology (GERO) & Frailty in Ageing research (FRIA) departments
T +32 (0)2 477 42 07
M +32 (0)475 58 49 67
Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussels, Belgium -

On this Website:

you will find support for FP7 and H2020 projects as well as a matchmaking tool to find partners