Dear Colleagues,
The EuGMS SIG on Biology of Ageing is glad to invite you to a series of monthly open meetings to introduce the latest and activities of the teams and members of the SIG.
Each meeting will include a presentation and time for discussion.
Next meeting will be on Thursday November 18th 2021 - 1PM CET - 60 min -
Topic: "Functional characterization of AD genetic risk factors in Drosophila"
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. The primary risk factor is old age. Familial forms of the disease, due to autosomic dominant mutations, are rare. Most of the cases are multifactorial, due to the interplay between genetic and environmental risk factors. Genetic risk factors are estimated to account between 58% and 79% of the risk in these common forms. The development of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and related high-throughput methodologies have greatly improved our knowledge of the genomics of AD over the last decade. 76 AD associated loci have been identified so far. However, these loci still contain many genes, and the causative gene(s) of each locus and its role(s) in the pathogenic process remain usually unknown. Therefore functional studies are required to translate AD genomics data into knowledge about the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease. In this context, we have developed an integrated approach using Drosophila in particular to screen functional genes in AD associated loci and dissect their contributions to AD molecular mechanisms.
Presented by: Pierre Dourlen Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur Lille, U1167 - RID-AGE - Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement, F-59000 Lille, France
Dr Pierre Dourlen is an associate professor in Lille University school of Medecine (France). He is interested in the molecular mechanisms that underlie neurodegeneration. He integrates successfully his backgrounds in Alzheimer Disease, neuronal degeneration and Drosophila genetics to develop functional genomics projects mainly focusing on candidate genes within novel Alzheimer Disease risk loci. He was awarded the Joël Menard Prize in 2020 from the Fondation Alzheimer
So Join us!
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Please notice that the meeting will be recorded and that the audio and video recordings might be used by the EuGMS for dissemination on the EuGMS website and social media.
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SAVE THE DATE: Next meeting JANUARY 20th 2021 at 1pm CET – Paper to be confirmed