Ageing and Health department of the Andorran Health Care System
Servei Andorrà d’Atenció Sanitaria (SAAS)
Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Andorra…
Total population: 77.142
Percentage above 65 Yr: 15.3
Ageing index (ratio of people over 65 to those under 14): 116
Geriatricians: 5
Internists: 6
GP’s: 58
Nurses trained in geriatrics: 10 Geriatric beds/places
Number of geriatric beds (hospital and intermediate care): 36
Nursing homes beds: 349
Adult daycare services places: 157
Geriatric medicine is found in...
acute care hospitals
out-patient care settings
home hospitalization
subacute care
post-acute rehabilitation
psychogeriatric unit
memory and frailty units
programs: orthogeriatric, oncology.
Geriatric research:
- COVID-19 mortality risk factors in older people in a long-term care center
- Ongoing study on the evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2 after infection/vaccination in older adults from nursing homes.
Intrinsic capacities:
- Ongoing pilot study on evaluating the intrinsic capacities of older than 65 years old with ICOPE app (WHO) in the community.
- Cognition
- Ongoing study on the impact of artificial intelligence on reminiscence therapies of older people with cognitive impairment living in nursing homes.

Contact details
General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Eva Heras Muxella
Email: eheras(at)
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