Беларускае рэспубліканскае геранталагічнае грамадскае аб’яднанне
Belarusian Republican Gerontological Public Association
Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Belarus…
Total population: 9.498.400
Percentage above 65 Yr: 1.453.500
Percentage above 80 Yr: 33.600
Number of physicians: 56.842
Number of geriatricians: 37
Total number of hospital beds: 102.465
Number of geriatric beds: 1.556
Geriatrics is recognised as a...
- speciality since 10-20 years
Geriatric medicine is found in...
- out-patient care settings (without refund)
- post-acute rehabilitation hospitals/clinics
Members of the society
Total number of Members: 154
Geriatricians: 37
GP’s: 42
Internists: 15
Nurses: 21
Other therapists: 15
Special interest groups within society
In focus of geriatric development are preventive technologies to avoid low functional ability in elders, early diagnosis of cognitive impairment and measures to prevent their rapid progression and development of dementia. Coordinator of scientific programms is Vice-Chair of Belarusian Republican Gerontological Public Association, MD, PhD, Professor Kiryl Prashchayeu.
Other activities…
Annual scientific conference with parallell one-day training of Belarusian Republican Gerontological Public Association, every year conferences and education are dedicated to different problems of geriatric medicine (frailty and its management, falls, dementia, comprehensive geriatric assessment and others).
List of geriatric chairs and research centres in the country
- the chair of gerontology and geriatrics in Belarusian Academy of postgraduate education of physitians (main educational center in geriatric medicine) - Minsk
- the chair of family medicine in Grodno State Medical University (research activity in treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases in elders) - Grodno
- the chair of rehabilitation medicine in Vitebsk State Medical University (research activity in rehabilitation of elders with frailty and cognitive impairment) - Vitebsk
(society logo: two elefants – old and young as symbol of long life with good functional ability)
Contact details
The president of the Society:
MD, PhD, Professor Andrei Ilnitski
General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
MD, PhD, Professor Andrei Ilnitski
Email: a-ilnitski(at)
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