Norsk geriatrisk forening
Norwegian Geriatrics society
Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Norway…
Total population: 5,2 mill
Percentage above 65 Yr: 16,2
Percentage above 80 Yr: 4,2
Number of physicians: 28.300
Number of geriatricians: 182
Total number of hospital beds: 10.600
Number of geriatric beds: 230
Geriatrics is recognized as a...
- subspeciality since >20 years
Geriatric medicine is found in...
- acute care hospitals as acute geriatric wards
- post-acute rehabilitation hospitals/clinics
- a few nursing homes or long term care facilities
Members of the society
Total number of Members: 246
Geriatricians: 182
Internists: 0
Nurses: 0
Other therapists: 0
Special interest groups within society
- Documentation of effects of geriatric medisin, status of geriatric medicin in Norway
- Requirements for ortogeriatric units
Other activities…
One annual meeting.
List of geriatric chairs and research centres in the country
- Oslo university hospital - Oslo
- St Olav hospital - Trondheim
- Haraldsplass sykehus - Bergen
Contact details
The president of the Society:
Pal Naalsund
General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Dr. Susanne Sorensen Hernes
no news in this list.