Geriatric Study Group of the Portuguese Internal Medicine Society
Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Portugal…
Total population: 10.374.822
Percentage above 65 Yr: 20.29%
Percentage above 80 Yr: 0.5%
Geriatrics is not recognised as a speciality, it is recognized as a competence by the Portuguese Medical Association.
Number of physicians: 49.141
Number of geriatricians: 68
Total number of hospital beds: 35.478
Number of geriatric beds: 12
Geriatric medicine is found in...
- acute care hospitals as acute geriatric wards and orthogeriatric units
- out-patient care settings
Other activities…
- There are many meetings, courses and Congress of post graduation, particularly organized by the Geriatric University Unit of the Lisbon Medicine Faculty, Coimbra Faculty of Medicine, Geriatric Study Group of the Portuguese Internal Medicine Society.
- We started teaching geriatric medicine as an ordinary chair in the Lisbon Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and it was already taught in the Beira Interior Faculty and as an optional chair in the Faculty of Coimbra.
- Our Outpatient Geriatric Clinic did a huge investigation work, presented at the EUGMS meetings since 2011 and I believe that is why we have this year the EUGMS Congress in Portugal. At the moment we have many Colleagues that look for information at our Outpatient Clinic in order to open a similar Outpatient Clinic at their own hospital, and in July opened the first Acute Geriatric Ward in Portugal.
List of geriatric chairs and research centres in Portugal
- Introdução às Doenças do Envelhecimento - Lisbon Faculty of Medicine (Unidade Universitária de Geriatria)
- Geriatria – Coimbra Faculty of Medicine
- Geriatria – Universidade da Beira Interior

Contact details
Coordinator of the Group:
Dr. Sofia Duque
General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Dr Marques Lia
Website: Nucleo Estudos Geriatria
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