
Svensk Geriatrisk Förening
Swedish Geriatric Medicine Society

Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Sweden…

Total population: 9.900.000
Percentage above 65 Yr: 20%
Percentage above 80 Yr: 5%

Number of physicians: 39.000
Number of geriatricians: 450
Total number of hospital beds: 24.500 (2012)
Number of geriatric beds: 1.450 (2012)

Geriatric medicine is found in...

  • acute care hospitals as acute geriatric wards
  • out-patient care settings
  • post-acute rehabilitation hospitals/clinics
  • nursing homes or long term care facilities

Members of the society

Geriatricians: app. 450
GP’s and Internists: app. 100
Nurses: N/A
Other therapists: N/A

List of geriatric chairs and research centres in Sweden

There are six chairs in geriatric medicine:

  • Stockholm: Karolinska Insitutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care science and Society
  • Gothenburg: Sahlgrenska Academy Institute of Medicine
  • Malmö: Faculty of Lund university, unit of Geriatrics
  • Linkoping: The faculty of Medicine and Healt Sciences
  • Uppsala: Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences
  • Umea: Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, unit of Geriatric Medicine

Contact details

The president of the Society:
Carina Metzner

General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Dorota Religa

Email: agneta.csson(at)gmail.com
Website: svenskgeriatriskforening.se 


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