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- Switzerland
Société Professionnelle Suisse de Gériatrie
Schweizerische Fachgesselschaft für Geriatrie
Some facts on demography and geriatrics in Switzerland…
Total population: 8.4 million
Percentage above 65 Yr: 18% (projection 2045: 26%)
Percentage above 80 Yr: 5%
Number of physicians: 36 175 of which 8306 are internists/GP
Number of geriatricians: 373
Total number of hospital beds: 38 058
Number of geriatric beds: not defined
Geriatric medicine is found in...
- acute care hospitals as acute geriatric wards
- out-patient care settings
- post-acute rehabilitation hospitals/clinics
- nursing homes or long term care facilities
Members of the society
Total number of Members: 373
Geriatricians: All geriatricians are general internists
List of geriatric chairs and research centres in Switzerland
- Pr Christophe BULA, Service de Gériatrie et de rédaptation Gériatrique, CHUV, Mont-Paisible 16, 1011 Lausanne
- Pr Gabriel GOLD, Hôpital des Trois-Chênes, 3 Chemin du Pont-Bochet, 1226 Thônex/GE
- Pr Andreas STUCK, Geriatrie Universität Bern, Inselspital, Postfach 20, CH-3010 Bern
- Pr Reto KRESSIG, Felix Platter-Spital, Burgfelderstrasse 101, 4055 Basel
- Pr Heike BISCHOFF FERRARI, Universitäts Spital Zürich, Klinik für Geriatrie, Rämistrasse 100, CH 8091 Zürich

Contact details
The president of the Society:
PD Dr. Andreas Stück
General Assembly member in the EuGMS:
Dr. Rebecca DREHER
Website: www.sfgg.ch
e-mail: info(at)sfgg.ch
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