Gerontechnology & Digital Health

Leader: Slawomir Tobis Siri Aas Smedemark

The SIG Gerontechnology & Digital Health aims to advance research in Gerontechnologies and Digital Health in healthcare for older people, while also actively working to mitigate the risk of digital divide among older people.

Specific objectives

  • To create a network for clinicians, researchers, and students throughout Europe with interest in the use of Gerontechnologies and Digital Health in healthcare for older people with the aim to create and support a European network
  • To update knowledge related to Gerontechnologies and Digital Health
  • Sharing, developing, and assessing methods and expertise in application of Gerontechnologies and Digital Health in clinical field
  • To successfully disseminate evidence-based knowledge on Gerontechnologies and Digital Health to health care workers, students and older adults
  • To collaborating with other relevant SIGs to achieve the above mentioned aims and objectives

Relevance for the purposes of the EuGMS
In response to the demands posed by a growing population of older adults, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions, technologies, and digital health in healthcare systems. Our Special Interest Group (SIG) focuses on evidence-based methods to establish consensus and enhance knowledge pertaining to emerging technologies and digital health for older individuals. The SIG on Gerontechnology and Digital Health aspires to serve the EuGMS community, fostering a dynamic platform that facilitates networking, research, and the exchange of expertise in the field of gerontechnology and digital health, while also actively working to mitigate the risk of digital divide among older individuals.

N° of members: 23


  • Completed projects

    • EuGMS SIG on Gerontechnology - Survey on the use of technologies in the care of the elderly following the covid pandemic

  • Activities:

    • Symposium: 1 symposium on Gerontechnology & Digital Health at every EuGMS Conference
    • Online meetings: 2 online meetings pr. Year: Presentation of projects related to the SIG fostering and facilitating discussion between researcher and clinicians interested in gerontechnology and digital health in healthcare for older adults.
    • Collateral Meetings: 1 Collateral Meeting at every EuGMS

  • Future projects

    • Point-of-care ultrasound among geriatric patients – utilization, impact, and perspectives among Geriatricians in Europe
    • New technologies in care for older adults: co-creation as the key to success

Way of communication among members
mail, EuGMS website, meetings face to face, sympo during congress

Planning of meetings

We organize two online OPEN SIG meetings pr. year and one Collateral Meeting at every EuGMS Congress

Next meeting

  1. 29th of January, online, OPEN SIG meeting:

    • 1st presentation: Point-of-care testing performed by acute community nurses during in-home assessments among older adults / Siri Aas Smedemark, MD, PhD-student
    • 2nd presentation: To be announced

  2. June, online, OPEN SIG meeting (exact date, to be announced):

    • 1st presentation: New technologies in care for older adults: co-creation as the key to success/ Swalomir Tobis, PhD (DA, DSc) MScEng
    • 2nd presentation: To be announced

  3. 20th EuGMS International Congress, Valencia September 2024 – SIG Collateral Meeting – OPEN. Time and date follows.

Previous meetings

19th EuGMS International Congress, Helsinki September 20-22 2023 - SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN - SEPT 20th from 09.30am to 10.30am Helsinki TIME

18th EuGMS International Congress, London September 28-30 2022- SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN - SEPT 29th from 07.00am to 08.00am UK TIME

17th EuGMS International Congress, Athens October 11-13 2021- SIG Collateral Meeting - private meeting (SIG members only)- OCT 13th from 11.45am to 12.45pm CEST

16th EuGMS International Congress, Athens October 7-9 2020 - SIG Collateral Meeting - private meeting (SIG members only)

January 2019 meeting on a “position paper”, regularely discussions between geriatricians and technicians (face to face or skype)
