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The Falls and Fractures
The Falls and Fractures Special Interest Group
Leader: Alvaro Cassas Herrero Nathalie van der Velde
- To connect geriatricians, other health care workers, researchers and students throughout Europe with an interest in falls and fractures prevention with the aim to create and support a European network
- To update knowledge related to falls and fracture prevention
- To successfully disseminate knowledge on falls and fracture prevention to health care workers, students and the older population at risk
- To (co)develop and support effective falls and fracture preventive interventions and to stimulate a personalized approach
- To harmonize practices on falls and fracture management across Europe
Participation steering committee and co-chairing World Falls Guidelines
Several publications including statement and position papers and original research (please see below)
Organization of several symposia and meetings including ongoing digital SIG meeting sessions including state of the art lectures (please see below)
Participation organizing committee European Falls Festival (bi-annual European conference of Falls and Postural Instability)
Collaboration with Fragility Fracture Network (FFN), participation in FFN executive board and congress committee
Collaboration with ESCEO, IOF, WCO (joint symposia)
Founding of a Fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRID) Task and Finish group directed by prof. Nathalie van der Velde in 2017 (see EuGMS webpage for details and contact)
Development of interactive, online deprescribing tool for FRIDs (fall-risk increasing drugs: Age and Ageing 2020; 1-11 doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa249 Link to accompanying deprescribing tool for STOPPFall: https://kik.amc.nl/falls/decision-tree/
Ongoing Projects
- EuGMS SIG Falls & Fractures- Pan-European survey on falls prevention
- Position paper on implementation of World Falls Guidelines in Europe
Next meeting of the group
- EuGMS SIG on Falls & Fractures Open online meeting summer 2024
- 20th EuGMS International Congress, Valencia September 18-20, 2024
Past symposia (5yrs)
- EUGMS-ESCEO JOINT SYMPOSIUM at the WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024 conference Improving fragility fracture care: a multidisciplinary perspective Chairperson : Tahir Masud • Optimizing fracture prevention and rehabilitation in frail older persons: the exercise & physiotherapy perspective Dawn Skelton • Optimizing fracture prevention and rehabilitation in frail older persons: the nursing & care home perspective Ellen Vlaeyen
- Symposium of the SIG on Falls and Fractures @ 19th EuGMS Congress, Helsinki 2023 HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR PERSONALIZED, INTEGRAL FALLS AND FRACTURE PREVENTION IN CLINICAL CARE; RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EUGMS SIG FALLS & FRACTURES Chairs: Hana Vankova, Czech Republic, Lotta Seppala, The Netherlands 1. Falls prevention as integral part of fracture prevention Jesper Ryg, Denmark 2. The overlap between syncope and falls: optimizing cardiovascular falls prevention Robert Briggs, Ireland 3. Preventing falls in patients with Parkinson and Parkinson-like disease Alice Nieuwboer, Belgium
- Symposium oUTCOMES OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES FROM EUGMS SIGs Chairs: Jerzy Gasowski, Poland, Antonio Cherubini, Italy 1. Pharmacology SIG Martin Wehling, Germany 2. Delirium SIG Suzanne Timmons, Ireland 3. Falls and Fracture SIG Nathalie Van der Velde, The Netherlands
- 'The 1st World Falls Guidelines: falls and fracture prevention are intertwined' watch this EuGMS-ESCEO symposium recording at the WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2023 conference by prof. Tahir Masud (UK) and prof. Nathalie van der Velde (The Netherlands), co-chairs of the World Guidelines on Falls Prevention and Management. [Watch this presentation]
- Symposium of the SIG on Falls and Fractures @ 17th EuGMS Congress, Athens 2021
- What's new in Syncope by Rose Anne Kenny. Watch this presentation
- What's new in fracture prevention: the FFN perspective by David Marsh. Watch this presentation
- What's new in fall prevention: World Falls Guidelines initiative by Nathalie van der Velde. Watch this presentation
- Organization T&F group on FRIDs symposium at online EuGMS Congress 2020: tot treat or not to treat: drug- versus disease-related fall risk (link to presentations)
- Organization joint SIG Fall and Fractures and fragility fracture network (FFN) symposium at 2019 EuGMS congress in Krakow: Nutrition and fragility fractures
Past meetings
- EuGMS SIG Falls and Fractures OPEN MEETING: July 18th 2024
recording: https://youtu.be/U-WhcbCh9i4 - EuGMS SIG Falls and Fractures OPEN MEETING: March 21st 2024
https://youtu.be/Ch4OuXyWrtI - EuGMS SIG Falls and Fractures OPEN MEETING: December 14th 2023
https://youtu.be/c0BXbJtNMNM - 19th EuGMS International Congress, Helsinki September 20-22 - SIG Collateral Meeting - EuGMS SIG Falls and Fractures OPEN MEETING:June 22nd 2023 - recording: https://youtu.be/2ch4T1Al3l4
- EuGMS SIG on FALLS & FRACTURES & GERIATRIC REHABILITATION - OPEN SIG MEETING: March 8th 2023 : recording of the meeting
- 18th EuGMS International Congress, London September 28-30 - SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN
please find hereafter the link to the video: https://youtu.be/WY0zuTya0sI and read more - EuGMS SIG on FALLS & FRACTURES - OPEN MEETING: July 7th 2022
- 17th EuGMS International Congress, Athens October 11-13 - SIG Collateral Meeting - OPEN
- Online EuGMS Falls and Fracture meeting July 8th,2021: presentation of WHO technical package on Falls management (Clemens Becker) and discussion of aims and projects SIG coming years
Please consult the MINUTES of the meeting and the slides presented by Prof Becker - Online SIG member meeting EuGMS Congress Athens October 2021
World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative. Montero-Odasso M, van der Velde N, …,Masud T; Task Force on Global Guidelines for Falls in Older Adults.Age Ageing. Age Ageing . 2022 Sep 2;51(9):afac205. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afac205.
New horizons in falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative.
Montero-Odasso M, van der Velde N, …,Masud T; Task Force on Global Guidelines for Falls in Older Adults.Age Ageing. 2021 May 26:afab076. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afab076.
French: [Synthesis in French of the 2022 global recommendations for the management and prevention of falls in the elderly]. Blain H. et al. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 2023 Jun 1;21(2):149-160. doi: 10.1684/pnv.2023.1108.
(Co)writing several book chapters on falls prevention including recently ‘Practical issues in Geriatrics: Orthogeriatrics’ ed. Falaschi P,Marsh D. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48126-1
Update knowledge related to fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRID) (Fall-risk-increasing drugs Task and Finish group): Three systematic reviews on FRID, statement papers,development of the STOPPFalls deprescribing tool and special issue on deprescribing dilemma’s concerning FRIDs :
van der Velde N, Seppala LJ…. Petrovic M. European position paper on polypharmacy and fall-risk-increasing drugs recommendations in the World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management: implications and implementation. Eur Geriatr Med. 2023 Aug;14(4):649-658. doi: 10.1007/s41999-023-00824-8.
L.J. Seppala, M. Petrovic…, N. van der Velde. STOPPFall (Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk): a Delphi study by the EuGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs. Age and Ageing 2020; 1-11 doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa249
Link to accompanying deprescribing tool for STOPPFall: https://kik.amc.nl/falls/decision-tree/
Seppala LJ, van der Velde N, Masud T, Blain H, Petrovic M, et al; EuGMS Special Interest Group on Pharmacology. EuGMS Task and Finish group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs (FRIDs): Position on Knowledge Dissemination, Management, and Future Research. Published in Drugs Aging. 2019 Apr;36(4):299-307 and Eur Geriatr Med (2019) 10: 275.
de Vries M, Seppala LJ, Daams JG, van de Glind EMM, Masud T, van der Velde N; EUGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs. Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: I. Cardiovascular Drugs. Published in J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2018 Apr;19(4):371.e1-371.e9.
Seppala LJ, Wermelink AMAT, de Vries M, Ploegmakers KJ, van de Glind EMM, Daams JG, van der Velde N; EUGMS task and Finish group on fall-risk-increasing drugs. Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: II. Psychotropics. Published in J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2018 Apr;19(4):371.e11-371.e17.
Seppala LJ, van de Glind EMM, Daams JG, Ploegmakers KJ, de Vries M, Wermelink AMAT, van der Velde N; EUGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs. Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: III. Others. Published in J Am Med Dir Assoc. 018 Apr;19(4):372.e1-372.e8.
Special issue on clinical reviews regardings deprescribing dilemmas among FRID users: Volume 14, Issue 4 | European Geriatric Medicine (springer.com)
Publication of the EUGMS position paper on falls and fractures in Europe in link with EUMS, ESCO, and IOF:
Blain H, Masud T, Dargent-Molina P, Martin FC, et al. EUGMS Falls and Fracture Interest Group; European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO), Osteoporosis Research and Information Group (GRIO), and International osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). A Comprehensive Fracture Prevention Strategy in Older Adults: The European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Statement.
published in J Nutr Health Aging. 2016;20(6):647-52.
published in Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016;28(4):797-803.
published in Eur Geriatr Med 2016 dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2016.04.012
N° of members: 175

September 2014